Gruppo di Lavoro
I luoghi del commercio tra tradizione e innovazione
Coordinatore Prof. Rosario Sommella
Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali - Largo S. Giovanni Maggiore, 30 – 80134 Napoli
E-mail: rsommella@unior.it
International seminars (place, year and theme)
1. Rio de Janeiro, 2006: City and Services: the multiple approaches of the commercial street
2. Barcelona, 2009: Cities, urban commerce and consumption
3. Sao Paulo, 2012: Mutations in the commercial and service spaces and the consumption in the contemporary society
4. Naples, 2013: “The approach of the new spatialities and temporalities of urban retail and consumption in an international context”
5. Mexico City, 2015: The diversification of consumption and retail in the contemporary city: actors and processes
6. Lisbon, 2017: “Retail, Consumption and the New Forms of Urban Governance”
7. Buenos Aires, 2019: “Opening new perspectives for geographical studies”
8. Barcelona, 2021: New Geographies of Retail and Consumption on the perspective of Planetary Urbanization.